Contributions of this user

* Workspaces

Portable containerized isolated development environment for Scala programming language projects

Jul 09, 2023

Portable containerized isolated development environment for Rust programming language

Jul 08, 2023

Containerized portable isolated development environment for Ruby projects

Jul 08, 2023

Portable containerized enviroments for R projects

Jul 08, 2023

Portable isolated containerized development environment for Python projects

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable and containerized development environment for PHP projects

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable and containerized development environment for Javascript Node

Jul 08, 2023

Workspace for MkDocs projects

Jul 08, 2023

A dedicated workspace designed for Kubernetes admins and developers, equipped with a comprehensive set of tools for managing Kubernetes clusters,

Jul 08, 2023

Portable containerized workspace to interact with Kafka clusters

Jul 08, 2023

Workspace equipped with Jupyterlab and has a suite of tools for utilizing Jupyter notebooks

Jul 08, 2023

Containerized isolated development environment for Java programming language

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable containerized and completely isolated development environment for Go programming language projects

Jul 08, 2023

Versatile, containerized environment equipped with many tools including IDE, CLI utilities, desktop app, file manager, and job scheduler

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable and containerized development environment for Erlang and Elixir projects

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based containerized environment for Opensearch and Elasticsearch admin

Jul 08, 2023

Containerized development, execution and admin environment for Ansible and Terraform

Jul 08, 2023

Workspace with hyperextensible Emacs-based text editor

Jul 08, 2023

Portable cotainerized isolated workspace with browser-based SpaceVim code editor and IDE

Jul 08, 2023

Alnoda workspace with hyperextensible Vim-based text and code editor

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable and containerized general-purpose development environment with VSCode IDE

Jul 08, 2023

General-purpose portable containerized development environment with Theia IDE

Jul 08, 2023

Browser-based portable and containerized general-purpose development environment

Jul 08, 2023

Hyperflexible isolated containerized development environment that is actually easy to use

Apr 01, 2023

This workspace has alnoda UI, alnoda-wrk, but does not iclude IDE

Mar 15, 2023

~> Apps

~> Promtail

~> Grav

~> Nginx

~> Apache2

~> Fullstacked

~> Portainer

~> gossa

~> pgloader

~> pg_sample

~> PGmigrate

~> homepage

~> dive

~> ctop

~> lazydocker

~> docker-compose

~> Docker

~> Bytebase

~> Efs2

~> DailyNotes

~> Pyenv

~> Poetry

~> PHP Composer

~> k8s-toolset

~> Ansible-cmdb

~> Xfce desktop


~> excalidraw

~> Mate Desktop

~> LXDE Desktop

~> Jekyll

~> Amp

~> StackEdit

~> Awesome Finder

~> terraform-docs

~> tflint

~> tfsec

~> Cronicle

~> bluxmit

~> OpenVSCode

~> NocoDB

~> Web GUI SQLite

~> SQLite Viewer

~> sqlite-web

~> SQLite

~> litecli

~> Spacevim

~> Uptime Kuma

~> rbenv

~> Ruby

~> psql

~> Redis Commander

~> redis-Tui

~> Redis-dump-go

~> Redli

~> IRedis

~> Redis

~> migra

~> yuniql

~> Sqitch

~> sqlfluff

~> tbls

~> SchemaSpy

~> pg_flame

~> pg_dump

~> pev

~> Mock Data

~> synth

~> pgcli

~> pgfutter

~> pgclimb

~> pgcenter

~> pgmetrics

~> pspg

~> rsync

~> Rclone

~> mkdocs boilerplate

~> FileFlows

~> npm-gui

~> deno

~> dune

~> Rust

~> Solidity Shell

~> rtx

~> RStudio

~> luigi

~> R

~> bpytop-ui

~> htop

~> mc

~> Cloud Commander

~> ICEcoder

~> Codiad

~> KodExplorer

~> Go

~> Atheos

~> phpenv

~> PHPBrew

~> Theia

~> PM2 WebUI

~> PM2

~> kubectl-aliases

~> Krew

~> Kube-hunter

~> Kubescape

~> kube-shell

~> Kubespray

~> Octant

~> k9s

~> Helm

~> trubka

~> kcli

~> kafkactl

~> kt

~> kcat

~> Elixir

~> Erlang

~> Apache Kafka

~> kiex

~> kerl

~> Neovim IDE

~> Scala

~> gopasspw

~> miniPaint

~> Image Editor

~> SVGedit

~> bpytop

~> Emacs

~> home-gallery

~> vulcanizer

~> elasticdump

~> nodejs

~> esbulk

~> nvm

~> Markserv

~> Marvo

~> terrascan

~> InfraMap

~> Blast Radius

~> Rover Terraform Visualizer

~> ansible-navigator

~> Grip

~> Ansible playbook grapher

~> ansible inventory grapher

~> ansible-doctor

~> Ansible-lint

~> Ansible + Ara

~> Ansible

~> Maven

~> Gradle

~> Terraform

~> Codeserver themes collection

~> Code-server

~> pgAdmin 4


~> DBDesigner

~> Codeserver common extensions

~> Motor Admin

~> VvvebJs

~> Atmo

~> Vtop

~> Voyager 2

~> PHP

~> Node-RED

~> Apache Zeppelin

~> Java

~> Ungit

~> Serve

~> Flatnotes

~> Focalboard

~> Whitebophir

~> Trilium Notes

~> Neumorphism

~> Flame

~> JupyterLab

~> Jupyter Notebook

~> Pylon IDE

~> Alist

~> GrapesJS

~> Homer

~> Gramateria

~> Etherpad

~> taskbook

~> SUI

~> static-server (python)

~> Limus

~> CSV Editor

~> Label Studio

~> Buku

~> n8n

~> pyLoad

~> Dagu

~> nb

~> Convert2Svg