~> App
~> kubectx
Install (execute in workspace terminal)
wrk install kubectx==0.9.5
Remarks and hints
# switch to another cluster that's in kubeconfig
$ kubectx minikube
Switched to context "minikube".
# switch back to previous cluster
$ kubectx -
Switched to context "oregon".
# rename context
$ kubectx dublin=gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin
Context "gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin" renamed to "dublin".
# change the active namespace on kubectl
$ kubens kube-system
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "kube-system".
# go back to the previous namespace
$ kubens -
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "default".
$ kubectx minikube
Switched to context "minikube".
# switch back to previous cluster
$ kubectx -
Switched to context "oregon".
# rename context
$ kubectx dublin=gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin
Context "gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin" renamed to "dublin".
# change the active namespace on kubectl
$ kubens kube-system
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "kube-system".
# go back to the previous namespace
$ kubens -
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "default".
# Istall script # Start script!= Workspace compatibility
all versions
!= App compatibility
no compatibility requirements