with UI only
> Development
> Productivity
> Terminal
> Automation
> Admin
> Web development
> Data science
~> vtm
Terminal multiplexer with window manager and session sharing. Text-based desktop environment inside your terminal*
~> mtm
Perhaps the smallest useful terminal multiplexer in the world.
~> dry
dry - A Docker manager for the terminal
~> Zellij
🔥🔥 A terminal workspace with batteries included
~> lf
Fast and convenient terminal file manager
~> Alpaca.cpp
~> bluxmit
Bluxmit developer workspace: IDE, file manager, dashboard
~> Docker
Install Docker in the workspace
~> nvm
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
~> Vfu
Vfu is a nifty little text-based terminal file-manager for Vim users